Concept Note


Today space and nuclear technologies play a vital role in scientific advancement, innovation and human development. The twenty-first century can be defined as an era where advancements in space and nuclear technologies have come to the fore in reaching the masses for socioeconomic well-being.

Space technology is among the most fascinating enterprise of modern times. Since the beginning of the space age, the opportunities offered by space, space-based assets and their applications have brought about a revolution through live telecast of world events, Internet, telecommunications, navigation, weather forecasting, mapping, mineral exploration, water resource management and disaster mitigation.

Pakistan attaches great importance to the utilization of space applications including for achieving objectives of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO) being the premier national space agency of Pakistan is determined to utilize and promote the use of space technology and its applications for socioeconomic development and other requirements of Pakistan.

Nuclear applications for peaceful uses have been in place since the mid-twentieth century and have played a pivotal in areas of energy, agriculture, health, industry and environment. Today the significance of nuclear energy has led to a renewed interest globally due to big power contestation and the adverse impact of climate change. The ongoing Ukraine crisis has caused supply chain disruptions including energy supply and price instability which have prompted many countries to consider new investments in nuclear power plants. Nuclear power is environment friendly, reliable, affordable and independent of seasonal changes. Owing to these unique characteristics, it augurs well for sustainable development.

Nuclear applications in Pakistan have played an important role in socioeconomic development over the last five decades. Pakistan has made significant progress in the use of nuclear technology in the areas of power generation, food security, agriculture, health, industry and climate change. Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) has over the years built an extensive infrastructure for contributing to the country’s socioeconomic development.

Considering the significance of peaceful uses of nuclear and space technologies, CISSS and Hamdard University have come together to organize this Conference and have invited a number of experts to enlighten us on various dimensions of space and nuclear technologies.

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