Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism is a very serious academic offence, and it is strictly prohibited at CISSS.
1. CISSS Journal has a zero-tolerance policy toward plagiarism.
2. CISSS Journal does not allow Similarity Index to exceed beyond 19% overall and 5% from a single source.
3. All Authors must submit the Originality Declaration Form which can be accessed here: Author Originality Declaration Form
4. A strict compliance to the standard HEC plagiarism policy is observed by the CISSS Editorial Team without bias.
5. A detailed HEC Plagiarism Policy and Guidelines on How to avoid Plagiarism (as provided by Leeds Metropolitan University) can be accessed here: HEC Plagiarism Policy

Guidelines on how to avoid Plagiarism

6. Following are some of the important points (extracted from the HEC Plagiarism Policy) that should be borne in mind while turning in the research article for publication in the CISSS Journal:
• Avoid “taking and using the thoughts, writings, and inventions of another person as one’s own.”
• Always give proper credit to the person whose work is being consulted or quoted.
• Do not use published/unpublished work without referencing.
• Must never collaborate with any other person when the work is supposed to be individual.
• Avoid the use of unacknowledged material published on the web.
• Do not copy someone else’s results.
•Do not use one’s own published work (self-plagiarism).

CISSS Journal Editorial Board reserves the right to reject any paper that does not abide by the standard HEC plagiarism policy and guidelines elaborated here.

Under no circumstances will CISSS Journal publish a paper with similarity index above 19% overall and 5% from a single source.